Home of the world's best hamberders.

Take down requests and C&D letters will be forwarded to my attorney Marc J. Randazza.

Dear Olive Garden

Christopher L. Jorgensen
PO Box 546
Ames, IA 50010

April 6, 2011

Olive Garden
P.O. Box 695107
Orlando, Florida 32869-9901

Dear Olive Garden,

I have a friend that lives in Canada named Anthony Imperioli and he’s all the time trying to get me to visit. I thought I might give it a shot and since he’s Italian I thought maybe we could eat at an Olive Garden while I was there. I’m afraid if I leave dining choices up to Anthony he’ll want to go to some “authentic” Italian place. That’s probably fine, but you never know what you’ll get when you step through the doors of some mom & pop shop, but with Olive Garden at least you are getting consistency (unless they are different in Canada).

The problem I am having is I can’t locate any stores in Canada. When I try to use the locator on your website it wants a City and State. They don’t have States in Canada. They have Provinces and Anthony lives in Quebec. Do you have any restaurants near there? I’m sure hoping so because I am salivating just thinking about visiting Anthony!


Christopher L. Jorgensen

Olive Garden

Guest Relations

April 13, 2011

Christopher L. Jorgensen
PO Box 93042
Des Moines, IA 50393

Dear Mr. Jorgensen:
We appreciate your loyalty to our restaurant and thank you for your inquiry regarding our locations in Canada.

Below are the locations:

Alberta*Calgary *Northgate 403-248-1020/ 336-36th St, Calgary, Alberta T2A 7R3*Edmonton* Stony Plain 780-484-0700/ 10121-171st St, Edmonton, Alberta T5S1D6 * Calgary Trail 780-437-3434/ 4110 Gateway Blvd N.W. Edmonton, Alberta T6J 6S7 British Columbia *Vancouver *Langley 604-514 3499/ 20080 Langley Bypass, Langley, British Columbia V3A 9J7 Manitoba
*Winnipeg *Polo Park 204-774-9725/1544 Portage Ave, Winnipeg,
Manitoba R3G 0W9
*Lagimodiere 204-661-8129/51 Reenders Dr, Winnipeg, Manitoba R2C 5E8


Chris Roberts
Guest Relations Representative

1000 Darden Center Drive • P.O. Box 695017 • Orlando, FL 32869-5017
800.331.2729 • Fax: 407.245.5189 • www.olivegarden.com

Respondent Website:
Olive Garden

Points of Interest