Longer Than You Think, Dad! Longer Than You Think!

Take down requests and C&D letters will be forwarded to my attorney Marc J. Randazza.

Dear Adam Ladd

Christopher L. Jorgensen
PO Box 546
Ames, IA 50010

February 14, 2012

Adam Ladd
Ladd Design Communications, LLC
Cincinnati, Ohio 45213

Dear Adam Ladd,

I saw this video on the internet where your daughter says what she thinks about various logos. That’s a cool idea! I am enclosing two logos and would like her impressions of both. Call this market research (if you like) or a one girl focus group (if you rather), but I have to know her opinion of my branding attempts; what does she think of each, which does she like better, what does she think is going on, which is more representative of a white, middle-class, elitist jerk? In short, which logo creates the more forceful impactive branding experience?

I do not believe creative work should be done “on spec,” only people with amazingly low self-esteem work without pay, so please consider this a paid consultancy. I have included $5 as payment. I deem this sufficient compensation for the service I am asking, but if you believe I am exploiting your daughter, or violating child labor laws, I can have my lawyer, Marc J. Randazza, contact her lawyer to work out the details of a reasonable contract, but as her legal guardian I am hoping we can consider this a one time “work for hire” or freelance gig. If $5 isn’t sufficient payment for her time, I fear your daughter will end up performing idiotic acts with puppets on the internet, to make ends meet, like Anthony Imperioli (the man who designed these logos!).

Responding to this letter or posting a video in the same manner as the video under discussion constitutes completion of this contract. Anything less and you are obligated to tear up the $5 or send it back.


Christopher L. Jorgensen

enc.: two jackass logos

Points of Interest