Were you dropped on your head as a baby or something?

Take down requests and C&D letters will be forwarded to my attorney Marc J. Randazza.

Dear Attorney General Tom Horne

Christopher L. Jorgensen
PO Box 546
Ames, IA 50010

September 1, 2011

Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne
Office of the Attorney General
Phoenix Office
1275 West Washington Street
Phoenix, AZ 85007-2926

Dear Attorney General Tom Horne,

I know S.B. 1070 “Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act” is now a law thanks to the Honorable Jan Brewer (Governor of Arizona), and I’m sure it’s a damn fine law and has cleared up the whole illegal alien thing by now! But it does raise a question, and I am sorry to have to ask this of you, but I’ve already written Governor Brewer, and either she doesn’t know, or she’s refusing to answer, since she hasn’t written back!

She’s publicly stated that this law will be enforced civilly, fairly, and without discrimination, so I am wondering what I have to carry while visiting the state of Arizona to prove I belong in this country? I’d hate to get harassed by some law enforcement official because I lack proper documentation. When stopped on the street and asked for my papers I want to be able to proudly present them and prove I am a true patriot, a true American, since to do less would be downright criminal!

Since Governor Brewer doesn’t seem to know (do you think she even read this bill?) I figure you’re the next best person to ask. I don’t think this should be so hard to find out! The state of Arizona should make propaganda posters or something, they could say, “Attention Citizen! You must have the following with you at all times!” Then there could be a list of the acceptable forms of identification the state of Arizona will consider acceptable.

I have an Iowa driver’s license, a library card, and a Red Robin rewards club card. Are these good enough or should I just stay the hell out of Arizona like I am sure the illegal aliens have been doing since this bill was passed into law over a year ago?


Christopher L. Jorgensen

p.s. if you don’t know the answer could you please pass this letter along to someone that does? Postage doesn’t grow on trees you know!

Office of the Arizona Attorney General

Executive Office

Tom Horne
Attorney General

Phone 602-542-7000

September 9, 2011

Christopher Jorgensen
P.O. Box 546
Ames, IA 50010

Dear Mr. Jorgensen:

Thank you for your letter dated September 1, 2011.

As you may know, several parts of Senate Bill 1070, are currently being challenged in court.  A final ruling is still pending.  The bill does not allow law enforcement to randomly stop people to request proof of citizenship.  I have included a fact sheet developed by Governor Jan Brewer’s Office which addresses concerns regarding this bill.

We hope this information is helpful.



Adria Lugo
Office of Constituent Services
Arizona Attorney General’s Office




1275 West Washington Street,  Phoenix, Arizona 85007-2926 • Phone 602.542.4266 www.azag.gov

Respondent Website:
Attorney General Tom Horne

Points of Interest