Professional Idiot: Do Not Try This At Home

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Dear BioDigital

Christopher L. Jorgensen
PO Box 546
Ames, IA 50010

April 14, 2015

BioDigital, Inc.
594 Broadway, Suite 1101
New York, NY 10012

Dear BioDigital,

When I was a kid my mother had a set of medical books that had simple line drawings of various parts of anatomy and illness both common and exotic, along with some black and white photos of people with terrible deformities and birth defects. I used to spend a lot of time as a child reading this book. It had a picture of a man with elephantiasis and it showed his testicles (not something a person of any age should see if you ask me!). There was also this cool section of the male and female reproductive organs where each page was a transparent overlay you could peel back, each page taking away some portion of the model.

Your site and mobile app reminds me of this book. I kind of blame that book for making sure I was convinced I had the rarest of diseases, but I also credit it with my knowing more about how the body works than most people. I was too lazy to become a doctor. I’m a bit jealous of the kids growing up. I would have much preferred to have an iPad and an anatomy app over the book, but still, times were different then.

Now people have no excuse to not take an active role in their own health. If there’s a part of the body and one doesn’t know what it’s called or what function it performs it’s their own damn fault.


Christopher L. Jorgensen

Points of Interest