Love it or leave it, baby. Love it or leave it.

Take down requests and C&D letters will be forwarded to my attorney Marc J. Randazza.

Dear Dennis Miller

Christopher L. Jorgensen
PO Box 546
Ames, IA 50010

May 1, 2008

Dennis Miller
Brillstein-Grey Entertainment
9150 Wilshire Blvd.
Suite 350
Beverly Hills, CA 90212

Dear Dennis Miller,

Do you look back on the days when your were still funny with nostalgia? I heard you quit drinking. This seems to have been a bad career choice for you! I remember seeing you trying to perform in Ames, Iowa some many years back and you were drunker than I’ve ever been (and that’s saying something!). You were an embarrassment, but almost kinda still somewhat funny.

Anyway, I was wondering how you sleep at night being a right wing shill. If you could let me know what it feels like to sell out I would be grateful, since I too intend to do this someday.

Oh, and anyway I can get an autographed photo? Please dig up an old one and date it sometime back in the 90’s, so I can pretend like I got it before you became a hack.


Christopher L. Jorgensen

Points of Interest