Christopher L. Jorgensen is Not Your Own Personal Jesus

Take down requests and C&D letters will be forwarded to my attorney Marc J. Randazza.

Dear Enzyte

Christopher L. Jorgensen
PO Box 546
Ames, IA 50010

September 29, 2010

c/o Vianda
7165 East Kemper Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45249

Dear Enzyte,

my girlfriend is not a very large woman, in fact she’s quite tiny, so you can see why your product may alarm her. I don’t want to brag or anything, but, on the other hand, there’s nothing small about me! My head is big, my hands are big, my feet are big…. Can you see where I am going with this? I’d include an accurate assessment of my assets (if you get my drift), but I don’t know how guys do this? I suppose some guys are turned on by measuring sticks.

The reason I am writing is I would like to take your supplement, but I have no idea of the results I can expect. Exactly how much will my “endowment” increase? Should someone like me take half a pill?

Also, do you ship in a plain brown wrapper? I don’t want anyone to think I need additional help with my equipment.


Christopher L. Jorgensen


Advancing Wellness For Life

1661 Waycross Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45240
telephone 513.674.4810

Christopher L Jorgensen
PO Box 546
Ames, IA 50010

October 01, 2010

Dear Mr. Jorgensen,

Enzyte has been selling since 2001 and is now THE #1 supplement for natural male enhancement. There are men of all ages worldwide who trust Enzyte. Enzyte, taken once daily, is a gentle natural supplement that gradually works its way into your system. We do recommend you take it for up to three months to achieve your maximum erection enhancement.

Enzyte has been trusted by OVER 5 million men and is the #1 selling supplement in the world for natural male enhancement!

Thank you for your interest in our products and we look forward to hearing from you. Also included with this letter, is our product catalog and inserts regarding current promotions. To learn more about Enzyte and other Vianda products, you can contact our Sales Department toll free at 877-436-9983 Mon through Fri 8:30am to midnight EST, Saturday 9am - 6pm EST, & Sunday 12:30pm - 4pm EST, or visit our website at


Pristine Bay LLC,

dba Vianda

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Points of Interest