Professional Idiot: Do Not Try This At Home

Take down requests and C&D letters will be forwarded to my attorney Marc J. Randazza.

Dear Feals, INC.

Christopher L. Jorgensen
PO Box 546
Ames, IA 50010

March 4, 2020

Feals, INC.
2420 17th St. Ste.
Denver, CO 80202

Dear Feals, INC.,

​I was checking out the claims of your product and I’ve got a couple of questions I am hoping you can clear up. First, you claim that your product gives “No high whatsoever.” This statement is written like this is not only a good thing, but some sort of selling point. Personally, I wouldn’t mind the choice, but eh, whatever. I guess if there’s “No high whatsoever” there still has to be some sort of benefit, right? I mean, if it doesn’t get you high, then why do it? There are all kinds of things out that that don’t get me high that cost less than your product, so what’s what with CBD? Why bother?

My second concern is that I don’t think I would do well in prison and I am not sure that CBD is legal in all 50 states. I’m no expert on other states, but you might not be aware that Iowa still cracks skulls over this sort of thing and Tom Miller says it’s a no go and he’s the Iowa Attorney General. Also, the Iowa Department of Public Health has issued an advisory that directly contradicts your claims that your product is legal in Iowa.

Iowans who dispense, sell, possess, or use such products are not protected from criminal prosecution as the protections from criminal prosecution contained in chapter 124E do not extend to the dispensing, possession, or use of these types of CBD products. Agencies with enforcement authority in this area include the federal Drug Enforcement Administration, the federal Food and Drug Administration, county attorneys and law enforcement agencies.

And don’t get me started on what the FDA has to say about CBD!

I am thinking better safe than sorry, since I don’t want to end up in some prison cell with someone like Roger Stone. I can’t stand guys like him (criminals)! I also prefer to stay a free man who is gainfully employed. I’d hate to lose my liberty or my job, especially over something that doesn’t even get me high!


Christopher L. Jorgensen

Respondent Website:
Feals, INC.

Points of Interest