Served hot with a fresh cup of steaming covfefe!

Take down requests and C&D letters will be forwarded to my attorney Marc J. Randazza.

Dear Gorton’s, Inc.

Christopher L. Jorgensen
PO Box 546
Ames, IA 50010

September 22, 2010

Gorton’s, Inc.
128 Rogers Street
Gloucester, Massachusetts 01930

Dear Gorton’s, Inc.,

I just saw one of your commercials on TV touting your Beer Batter Fillets, and I am left with a question: What kind of beer? I’m a little torn between hoping it’s a really good beer and hoping you’re not wasting good beer. I mean, if you wouldn’t drink it, why would you cook with it, right? But if you’d drink it, why wouldn’t you just drink it? This make sense? I’d hate to think that a bunch of beer that would be better served drunk is going undrunk! Just as I’d hate to think you guys would use an inferior beer. I think this is one of those moral dilemmas I keep hearing about.

Oh yeah, I was also wondering what kind of fish?


Christopher L. Jorgensen

Trusted Since 1849

Gorton’s ®

Dear Christopher,

Thank you for your interest in Gorton’s!

Our Beer Batter Fish Fillets are made with high quality beer, sourced from an American beer company. Unfortunately, we are not able to provide detail about the supplier as this information is proprietary. In regards to your question about the type of fish we use in this product, it is Pollock.

We sincerely apologize for the delay in responding to your inquiry. In appreciation of your loyalty, we would like to send you a few coupons redeemable towards your next Gorton’s purchase!

Wishing you calm seas,
Your friends at Gorton’s

128 Rogers Street, Gloucester, MA 01930 978.283.3000

Respondent Website:
Gorton’s, Inc.

Points of Interest