I have become comfortably numb.

Take down requests and C&D letters will be forwarded to my attorney Marc J. Randazza.

Dear Mike the Headless Chicken

Christopher L. Jorgensen
PO Box 546
Ames, IA 50010

April 26, 2012

City of Fruita Recreation Department
324 N Coulson
Fruita, CO 81521

Dear Mike the Headless Chicken,

I regret to inform you I will be unable to attend your “Mike the Headless Chicken” festival in 2012. My friend Anthony Imperioli will also be unable to make it. We were looking forward to this festival and both believe if we’d been given more advanced notice we might have been able to attend.

My friend Anthony would like pointers on creating his own headless chicken. He’s got the time and the chickens, so if you have anything I should pass along I will be sure to do so. He keeps telling me his ax is as sharp as his wits and “if Fruita can have a headless chicken festival I can too!” Anthony isn’t always rational. I think it’s because he was dropped on his head as a baby, but he says that’s not why he has that flat spot at all!

If you could go ahead and let us know the dates for your 2014 festival that would be great. We’ll do out best to attend. We’re pretty booked until then though (I am sure you can understand). Chances are we’ll have to take a pass then too, but at least this way we can mark the dates on our calendar!


Christopher L. Jorgensen

City of Fruita

324 N Coulson
Fruita, CO 81521

May 3, 2012

Christopher L. Jorgensen
P.O. Box 546
Ames, IA 50010

Dear Mr. Jorgensen,



Mike the Headless Chicken

Honor the Past - Envision the Future - Frutia

Respondent Website:
Mike the Headless Chicken

Points of Interest