Served hot with a fresh cup of steaming covfefe!

Take down requests and C&D letters will be forwarded to my attorney Marc J. Randazza.

Dear POM Wonderful

Christopher L. Jorgensen
PO Box 546
Ames, IA 50010

September 29, 2010

POM Wonderful, LLC
11444 West Olympic Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90064

Dear POM Wonderful,

I think this FTC suit is totally frivolous. They act like the health claims you’re making are untrue. As far as I can tell you’re just saying it’s good for you. On the radio today they were making it sound like you guys are saying you can cure cancer and erectile dysfunction all with one tasty beverage. This is so obviously untrue. We don’t need the government telling us what to drink. Pomegranates persecution is not why I voted for Obama!

The government should be encouraging the consumption of pomegranate juice. With enough demand Afghani farmers will stop growing heroin and start producing pomegranates. This FTC action supports terrorism! How come you don’t see them going after other dietary supplements like Enzyte and Alli? 

We need to reclaim our rights to free speech. We need the FTC to back off the pomegranate! 


Christopher L. Jorgensen



Paige Kimrey
Marketing/Consumer Advocate

March 24, 2011

Christopher L. Jorgensen
P.O. Box 546
Ames, IA 50010

RE: POM Wonderful v. FTC

Dear Mr. Jorgensen:

Thank you for writing to us with your support!  I hope you will forgive the delayed response, but we wanted to acknowledge your kind letter and to thank you for sending us your thoughts regarding the FTC suit.  Here is an excerpt from our press release that you may be interested to read:
As we strive to deliver a quality product to our valued consumers, your comments mean a lot to us.  Please use the enclosed coupons to enjoy some POM on us!

We believe the allegations by the FTC against POM are unwarranted. We do not make claims that our products act as drugs. What we do, rather, is communicate through advertising the promising science relating to pomegranates. POM believes very strongly in its First Amendment rights to communicate the results of our extensive research program on pomegranates, and we believe that consumers and their health providers have a right to learn about the research. Pomegranates are food – highly nutritious produce, designed by nature itself. Because POM products may in fact offer the promise of better health, we believe it is important to share the research results as they become available. This is especially true since our products do not carry the risks associated with pharmaceutical drugs. It’s a shame that the government is unable to understand this fundamental distinction, and instead is wasting taxpayer resources to persecute the pomegranate. We believe the commission is acting beyond its jurisdiction, exceeding its authority, and creating a new regulatory scheme that attempts to treat our juice as a drug, which it is not.

Thank you once again for taking the time to write and share your thoughts with us.

Healthy Wishes,


Paige Kimrey
POM Wonderful Customer Advocate

fax 310.966.5801
11444 West Olympic Boulevard
Los Angeles, California 90064

Respondent Website:
POM Wonderful

Points of Interest