Longer Than You Think, Dad! Longer Than You Think!

Take down requests and C&D letters will be forwarded to my attorney Marc J. Randazza.

Dear Ruiz Foods

Christopher L. Jorgensen
PO Box 546
Ames, IA 50010

July 1, 2009

Ruiz Foods
PO. Box 37
Dinuba, CA 93618-0037

Dear Ruiz Foods,

Your product rocks, it rules, and it tastes great! It’s like nothing I’ve ever gotten out of a box. Much yummier! Delicious even, and reasonably priced. A comparable appetizer at Perkin’s wold cost you like twice as much and be half as good! I particularly like the “Grilled Chicken & Cheese” Tornados. They’re the best. I refuse to read the ingredients though, as I know something this good can’t be good for me too, and I am unwilling to quit eating them.

My only concern is your tagline: “A Real Mexican Food company.” Is this just marketing babble best to be ignored? I mean, the way I read it is you are saying these are what they would eat in Mexico, and I just can’t imagine Jesus and Diego popping these things into the microwave and enjoying a quick Tornado. I can’t imagine Maisha serving these with pride on El Día de los Muertos!

I don’t really care though. I’m going to keep eating them up!


Christopher L. Jorgensen

Ruiz Foods
A real Mexican food company.™

July 14, 2009

Christopher L. Jorgensen
PO Box 546
Ames, IA 50010

Dear Mr. Jorgensen:

Thank you for contacting us regarding our El Monterey Chicken & Cheese Tornado.  We take great pride in our high quality authentic Mexican food items and genuinely appreciate you taking the time to contact us.

We package our products under two brand names: El Monterey can be found in the fresh meat, deli and frozen food sections and Ruiz can be found in the service deli and frozen food sections.  El Monterey can also be found at Price Costco, Sam’s Club and other warehouse clubs.  If you are unable to find our products, your store manager will be happy to take your request and look into the possibility of stocking our items.

Thank you again for contacting us.  We look forward to the opportunity of serving you again and hope the enclosed coupon will encourage you to try some of our other fine products.  If we can be of further assistance to you please contact us at our toll-free number, 1-800-772-6474.



Michelle Decker
Consumer Relations

Coupon 1, Coupon 1



Post Office Box 37 • Dinuba, California 93618-0037 • Telephone (559) 591-5510 • Fax (559) 591-1969

Respondent Website:
Ruiz Foods

Points of Interest