Professional Idiot: Do Not Try This At Home

Take down requests and C&D letters will be forwarded to my attorney Marc J. Randazza.

Dear Scoop Away

Christopher L. Jorgensen
PO Box 546
Ames, IA 50010

May 12, 2008

Scoop Away
c/o Clorox Pet Products Co.
1221 Broad Way
Oakland, CA 94612

Dear Scoop Away,

I love your Multiple Cat Formula Scoop Away Super Clump cat litter. I only have one cat, but I am not always diligent about changing her litter. I figure one cat with litter changed less often is like having a lot of cats and changing it a lot.

Though there is perhaps an overlooked way you could increase marketing share. I've read your legal disclaimer, so know I can expect nothing if you do decide to use my idea. It would still be super cool of you guys if you sent me a token of appreciation when you do produce this product: "Kiddy Litter!"

Think about it, parents have to wait until a child can walk and take interest in the toilet before potty training can occur. This could be solved by a box of "tightly clumping" "Kiddy Litter!" and a tyke sized ramp. Babies and infants crawl from a very early age. It would be much easier to teach a kid how to "bury it" than to constantly change diapers. This would also have a positive impact on the environment.

Instead of a landfill filled with discarded diapers a parent could purchase a bag of Multiple Baby Formula Scoop Away Super Clump "Kiddy Litter!" Even if they have only one baby, they could do like I do with my cat. Just change the litter less often.

The only downside I see is keeping the cats out of the kids' box, but maybe you could come up with a dual use formula and they could share. Let me know what you think!


Christopher L. Jorgensen

Points of Interest