Love it or leave it, baby. Love it or leave it.

Take down requests and C&D letters will be forwarded to my attorney Marc J. Randazza.

Dear Steam Powered Giraffe

Christopher L. Jorgensen
PO Box 546
Ames, IA 50010

September 12, 2012

Steam Powered Giraffe LLC
PO Box 2681
La Mesa, CA 91943

Dear Steam Powered Giraffe,

This is a fan letter. I am writing it because I am a fan. I think you guys are great and wonderful and talented and funny and stylish and too cool for words, so really I shouldn’t be writing this! But did I mention I am a fan‽

I have to say “The Spine” is my favorite robot with “Rabbit” coming in a close second. “The Jon” is cool too, but he’s the only robot I am sure I could take in a fight! Tobias Funkë does an acceptable job on drums and I don’t dislike that other dude.

It’s too bad I didn’t find out about you guys earlier! I would have had you play my birthday party! But sadly, August 22nd is past. Maybe you guys could pencil it in for 2013? I’ll be 43 and there will be cake!


Christopher L. Jorgensen

Points of Interest