Changing the World One Letter at a Time

Take down requests and C&D letters will be forwarded to my attorney Marc J. Randazza.

Dear TJ Maxx

Christopher L. Jorgensen
PO Box 546
Ames, IA 50010

April 21, 2011

The TJX Companies, Inc.
770 Cochituate Road
Framingham, MA 01701

Dear TJ Maxx,

Dear TJ Maxx,

I’m a bit confused. This is nothing new. What is new is that I found out your stores are called T.J. Maxx in the US and TK Maxx in the UK. Why is this?


Christopher L. Jorgensen


April 27, 2011

Christopher Jorgensen
PO Box 93042
Des Moines, IA 50393

Dear Christopher Jorgensen:

Thank you for contacting TJ Maxx with your question about our European retail division.  With the success of the TJ Maxx chain and the other TJX companies U.S. division, the decision was made to launch our successful off-price concept in the United Kingdom.

In 1994 we launched the first off-price retail store in Europe in Great Britain and called it TK Maxx. Soon after, stores opened in Ireland and Germany. Recently, we have just opened in Poland as well, and now have over 279 stores at the end of 2009.

We decided to use TK Maxx as the European division namesake so we can easily distinguish between the two chains from a business standpoint.






Andrew Newcomb
Customer Service Representative







Respondent Website:
TJ Maxx

Points of Interest