Love it or leave it, baby. Love it or leave it.

Take down requests and C&D letters will be forwarded to my attorney Marc J. Randazza.

Dear Uncle Interloper

Christopher L. Jorgensen
PO Box 546
Ames, IA 50010

January 7, 2013

c/o Saturday Morning Media
P.O. Box 2764
Toluca Lake, CA 91610

Dear Uncle Interloper,

Enclosed you will find $6 for two memberships to the Uncle Interloper International Fan Club! These memberships are gift memberships for "Donkey Hoté" and "Spank the Monkey." Someday these two will have their own TV show and own fan clubs, but in the meantime they will be forced to bask in the greatness that is Uncle Interloper. Spank and Hoté liked the first episode of "Uncle Interloper Space Explorer." They say it was well shot and well acted and the effects were amazing! Spank especially can't wait for additional adventures.

When you get a shot, fire off the cards for these two. The cards will make them very happy, and I've found it's best to have a happy donkey and happy monkey whenever possible.


Christopher L. Jorgensen

Christopher -
Keep creating! Uncle Interloper

Spank - Thanks for being a fan!

Uncle Interloper Donkey Hoté -
Keep the dream aLive! Uncle Interloper

Uncle Interloper Postcards
Uncle Interloper Postcards

Respondent Website:
Uncle Interloper

Points of Interest