Jackass Letters: When Psychotherapy No Longer Helps!

Take down requests and C&D letters will be forwarded to my attorney Marc J. Randazza.

Dear Victoria’s Secret

Christopher L. Jorgensen
PO Box 546
Ames, IA 50010

December 8, 2008

Victoria’s Secret
North American Office
P.O. Box 16589
Columbus, Ohio 43216-6589

Dear Victoria’s Secret,

There’s an obvious gap in your product line! Millions of women suffer from urinary leakage. (And I’m not just talking about when they laugh!) A pair of lace panties just isn’t going to keep this flow back.

Seems to me a line of super absorbent thongs would be a hot seller! There’s a market out there for women with urinary incontinence that is going unserved. This has got to be an oversight.

Or perhaps these exist and I am just unaware. If this is the case, could you please point me in the right direction. I know it’s too late for Christmas, but I know something like this would be a great gift to just keep on hand.

Also, any way I could get a current catalog, you know, for “a friend of mine?”


Christopher L. Jorgensen


February 8, 2009

Christopher L. Jorgensen
PO Box 546
Ames, IA 50010

Dear Mr. Jorgensen,

Thank you for your correspondence regarding your suggestion for a new line of panties. We are pleased that you are interested in Victoria’s Secret.

Customer feedback is always welcomed and appreciated. Victoria’s Secret values its reputation and we continually strive for excellence in both our merchandise and our customer experience. We assure you that your specific comments have been forwarded to the proper individual. Your opinion matters to us and will be part of the ongoing assessment of our future offerings.

Mr. Jorgensen, Victoria’s Secret Direct values each of our customers and it is our hope that you will grant us the opportunity to serve you again.


Kelly Karns
Customer Relations
Victoria’s Secret Stores


Victoria’s Secret Direct
5959 Bigger Road
Kettering, Ohio 45440

Respondent Website:
Victoria’s Secret

Points of Interest