Served hot with a fresh cup of steaming covfefe!

Take down requests and C&D letters will be forwarded to my attorney Marc J. Randazza.

Dear Wendy’s

Christopher L. Jorgensen
PO Box 546
Ames, IA 50010

February 27, 2020

Wendy’s International, LLC
One Dave Thomas Boulevard
Dublin, OH 43017

Dear Wendy’s,

When I was a child and I was good my mother would take me to Wendy’s and buy me a value chocolate Frosty and a value Wendy’s chili. I obviously didn’t get to go that often, since I was mostly a crap kid growing up.

Now that I am an adult I don’t go as often as I would like, even though there there’s no one to stop me, but I will say, those Frostys are one hundred percent nostalgia for me. I thought the chili was good well, but what really made it special was those hot oil packets. I would put a bunch of them into my chili until it was like eating fire and I could barely eat it and then after a few bites I’d need a spoonful of Frosty just to cool my mouth off! What can I say, I was a weird kid.

I’ve since stopped eating red meat. Mostly because I am told it’s bad for the environment, and I don’t want Greta Thunberg mad at me, but also for heath reasons. I still eat a lot of chicken though, so I look forward to trying your Honey Butter Chicken Biscuits with a side of Seasoned Potatoes as soon as you bring them to Ames! I can’t wait. Maybe once that happens I’ll finally start being a decent human being and start rewarding myself with some Wendy’s!


Christopher L. Jorgensen

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