Christopher L. Jorgensen is Not Your Own Personal Jesus

Take down requests and C&D letters will be forwarded to my attorney Marc J. Randazza.

Dear Westminster Cheddar

Christopher L. Jorgensen
PO Box 546
Ames, IA 50010

January 28, 2020

Westminster Cheddar
c/o Somerdale International Ltd
Unit 3H
West Park 26
TA21 9AD
United Kingdom

Dear Westminster Cheddar,

​As you can tell from my address I am writing from the United States of America. I just thought you might get a kick out of knowing your Westminster Rustic Red Cheddar made it all the way to Iowa where it was then lovingly consumed by me. I thought it was a bit too sharp at first, and wasn’t exactly sure it was labeled correctly, since it was like no other cheddar I’ve ever had. I was just going to eat some on crackers, but the cheese just kind of falls apart and really isn’t suitable for this, unless you don’t mind wearing cracker and cheese crumbs. (I have to admit I don’t mind.) Regardless, I next put it in a turkey sandwich, but it kind of overpowered the turkey. I like trying new things, but this was a bit out there for me, and I wasn’t sure what to think of this Rustic Red.

But then I melted some on-top of a burrito. Oh my god! This is the only way to eat this cheese. Melting takes away some of the sharpness and it’s no longer as crumbly. I thought you guys should know in case no one there has ever thought to eat it this way. I also melted some onto tortilla chips, and it was good this way as well, but nothing like that burrito. Just thinking about it is making me hungry! Forget about breaking into the American market; Mexico is where you guys need to go. Once the Mexicans find out they can make any old boring burrito into something special with just a bit of your Rustic Red, well, I bet you won’t be able to make enough.

I didn’t get the name of the guy who invented this cheese, but if you could extend my thanks to him this would be great. Or, just forward this letter onto him.



Christopher L. Jorgensen

Respondent Website:
Westminster Cheddar

Points of Interest