Jackass Letters: When Psychotherapy No Longer Helps!

Take down requests and C&D letters will be forwarded to my attorney Marc J. Randazza.

Dear Zippity-Poo-Da

Christopher L. Jorgensen
PO Box 546
Ames, IA 50010

September 22, 2010

Dog Business, LLC.
PO Box 50828
Colorado Springs, CO 80949

Dear Zippity-Poo-Da,

Do you make a Zippity-Poo-Da with a bigger bag? I think this idea would work great for toddlers as well as dogs. With more and more parents putting their children on leashes this just seems like the obvious next step for your product, but the bags are obviously too small for a diaper and poo. So do you make a bigger one or not?


Christopher L. Jorgensen

Dog Business LLC
P. O. Box 50828
Colorado Springs, CO 80949

September 27, 2010

Christopher L. Jorgensen
P.O. Box 546
Ames, IA 500010

Dear C. L. Jorgensen,

What an interesting idea you have. At this time, I only work in the Pet product industry. I would have to research the baby market to see if the industry would have a niche for a diaper waste pouch and I don’t have any interest in that field. I do have an interest in all things outdoors and have an idea for hikers/climbers. So, if I do veer from the Pet Market, it would be toward the recreational field.

With Regards….

A. G. Pendhter
Dog Business LLC

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Points of Interest