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Take down requests and C&D letters will be forwarded to my attorney Marc J. Randazza.

Dear Christian Dior

Christopher L. Jorgensen
PO Box 546
Ames, IA 50010

May 29, 2008

Christian Dior
30, Avenue Montaigne
75008 Paris, France

Dear Christian Dior,

I don’t think I’ve ever written a letter to France before, so I hope this gets to the right people! I’m writing in regards to the whole Sharon Stone controversy.

I’m glad to see you dropped Sharon Stone like a hot potato, but what I don’t get is what took you so long? Want to talk about karma, putting her saggy funbags in any ad is a moral outrage. Any idiot could have seen this one coming. Sharon Stone is a complete nut job. A loon. Crazy!

It’s good you are doing your part in making sure she just goes away, but could you try to be a bit more careful in the future? I don’t expect a reply, but all the same, would love one.

I’ve never gotten a letter from France before.

“Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite!”


Christopher L. Jorgensen

Christian Dior

30, Avenue Montaigne
Paris VIII’

Mr Christopher L. Jorgensen
P.O. Box 546
Ames, IA 50010

Paris, June 16, 2008

Subject: Your letter

Dear Sir,

We feel deeply concerned about the letter you sent us on Thursday, May 29, 2008 and we thank you for taking the time to send us your comments. We are pleased to inform you that they were forwarded to our advertizing department immediately.

We want you to know that Sharon Stone’s comments made recently in Cannes are purely her personal opinion. Her reaction does not reflect her already reaffirmed sympathy and true compassion for the victims of the earthquake.

In any event, Dior does not share or relate to any personal opinions expressed by Ms Stone, who presented her apologies directly through Chinese media. Given the current circumstances, Parfums Christian Dior China has decided to withdraw and stop all advertising, point of sales and printed materials featuring Ms Sharon Stone.

Moreover Dior associates in the mourning of China and expresses its deepest sorrow for the victims of the Sichuan tragedy and their families.

Hoping that you will remain loyal to Dior, please rest assured of our highest consideration.


Customer Relations - Christian Dior Couture

Christian Dior Couture. Adresse Postale : 11, rue Francois Ier. 75383 Paris cedex 08. Telephone : 01 40 73 54 44. Telegramme : Christian Dior-Paris.

Telecopieur : 01 47 20 00 60. S.A. Au Capital de 126 652 960 Euros. R.C.S. Paris B 612 035 832. APE 182 C. TVA FR 37 612035832. No siret 612 035 832 00049

Respondent Website:
Christian Dior

Points of Interest