Christopher is the Magic 8 Ball of the depressingly obvious.

Take down requests and C&D letters will be forwarded to my attorney Marc J. Randazza.

Dear National Geographic

Christopher L. Jorgensen
PO Box 546
Ames, IA 50010

September 27, 2010

National Geographic Society
1145 17th Street N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036-4688

Dear National Geographic,

I think you should come out with an issue with nothing but naked women in it. Bear with me here. Many adult men had their first glimpse of a woman’s naked breasts (that’s not their mother’s) from viewing your magazine. In fact multiple generations of men grew up seeking furtive glimpses of nudity in your magazine. I remember doing this in grade school!

Now, I am not talking anything as tasteless as a “Girls of National Geographic,” but something that taps into that sense of nostalgia many an adult male has would be wonderful! In this age of the internet—where pretty much anything can be seen with a click—coming out with a magazine like this would serve to fill a void: man as animal in her natural state.

You can feel free to do a men’s issue as well, but this won’t be as interesting to me.


Christopher L. Jorgensen

Research Correspondence


Thank you for contacting the National Geographic Society.

Suggestions from our readers play an important role as we plan future coverage. I have forwarded your suggestion along to the appropriate editorial specialist for consideration. Bear in mind, however, that because we are only able to publish about 70 articles per year, only the most promising ideas are considered.

Thank you for your interest in the National Geographic Society and its work.

1145 17th Street N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036-4688 Recycled-content paper

Respondent Website:
National Geographic

Points of Interest