Copyright© 2009-2017
Boring Legalese:
No part of this site may be reproduced in any form, real or imagined, without the author’s written consent, with the usual exceptions for fair use, excerpts for review, or educational use in a high school, grade school or preschool environment. Anything more than this is just plain stealing and will result in a visit from my lawyer and highly trained knee breaker (due to recent cutbacks these positions have been consolidated into one individual).
Commercial license is dependent upon intended use. I will try to be reasonable. Contact me with a proposal, and I will pass it on to my button man/lawyer for review. Any entity that has responded, and whose content I have reproduced here, is entitled to use their own letter (obviously) and my initial letter as they see fit (up to and including placing both in the public domain). All commentary remains under copyright under the individual author.
Noncommercial use of articles is $10 USD per copy per article on an on-your-honor basis. The math is easy here; 10 copies of 1 article = $100 USD. 2 copies of 2 articles = $40 USD. Just send a check (or cash in small non-sequential bills) to the address below. Please indicate which article you intend to reproduce and for what purpose. If you are totally lacking in morals, just rip me off and try to sleep at night while you wait for a visit by the soul-sucking demon I have on retainer (some consider him a lawyer).
Ownership of articles must be properly cited. Any commercial use of articles without the written permission of Christopher L. Jorgensen is strictly prohibited. As a courtesy please notify me of any use.
Other requests may be addressed to one of the following:
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Request for Copyright Clearance
C/O Christopher L. Jorgensen
P.O. Box 546
Ames, IA 50010
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