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Dear Bishop Schori

Christopher L. Jorgensen
P.O. Box 93042
Des Moines, IA 50393

December 8, 2008

The Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori
Presiding Bishop and Primate
815 Second Avenue
New York City, NY 10017

Dear Most Rev. Dr. Katharine Jefferts Schori,

Would it be possible for me to get an autographed photo? That would be cool of you!

I’m writing because there’s a worldwide recession going on, with cutbacks, layoffs, and permanent job losses. This got me to wondering if The Episcopal Church has had to face such hardships! I hope not, but if so, I had an idea. You could start outsourcing prayer.

I know this seems ludicrous on the face or it, but if you think it through I am sure you will decide the idea has its merits. Many members of The Episcopal Church are busy people with little time for things like prayer, and there are places like India with lots of people that need employment. I figure a system could be set up whereby for a small fee Americans could pay one of these needy people to doing the praying on their behalf.

Money would be funneled into impoverished areas of India, Americans would have more time to do good works instead of just praying, and as an added bonus thousands of Indians could be exposed to your ministries!

It seems like a win all around if you ask me.


Christopher L. Jorgensen

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[Editor’s note: The contents of the card are transcribed below. A photo was received as well.]


Please accept this as a token of my prayers and warm wishes

The Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori Presiding Bishop and Primate The Episcopal Church

815 Second Avenue New York, New York 10017

January 16, 2009



Scans of the photo from Bishop Schori
[Click to see larger.]







Scans of the card from Bishop Schori Scans of the card from Bishop Schori


First off, I am sure “Primate” has some religious meaning, but I am childish, so it amuses me. If my giggling offends you, then you are obviously on the wrong site!

Second, I wish for once one of these people would actually answer the letters. “It’s not nice to pull the Bishop’s leg,” would be a great response. There’s no way the person getting this letter thought I was serious. Or more likely no one read past the first line.

Yes, I realize I am going to hell for this one if the Episcopals are right, or if the Catholics are right my letter to the Pope will see me in hell as well. I’m not that scared.

[Update: I sent a variation of this to the Archbishop of Canterbury. He responded as well.]

By Christopher L. Jorgensen


Have a comment? Put a stamp on an envelope and drop it in the mail to:

Christopher L. Jorgensen
PO Box 546
Ames, IA 50010

Be sure to mention what letter your comment applies to. Adding some cash with your correspondence is a good thing. You can email me at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) if you must.

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