An Unanswered Letter to Blue Bunny
Christopher L. Jorgensen
P.O. Box 546
Ames, IA 50010
February 2, 2011
Blue Bunny
Wells’ Dairy, Inc.
PO Box 1310
Le Mars, IA 51031
Dear Blue Bunny,
When my niece was younger she had a little animal flip book where you lined up the correct animal head with the correct animal body and feet. She brought it to me and I started making weird animals with it. Eventually I ended up with a duck with leopard’s feet. She’d have none of that! “But it’s the leopard footed duck, the fastest land duck there is!” I said. She said the was no such thing, but I pointed out that there were weirder things out there and told her about the platypus; a mammal with a duck’s beak, webbed feet, and that lays eggs. Again she’d have none of it, so I told her to go ask her dad. “Dad,” she said, “Is there such a thing as a platypus?” “Sure,” he said, “The duck billed platypus.” You could see the wheels working in my niece’s head. Finally she asks, “What about the leopard footed duck?”
Maybe you can see where this story is going, so I’ll skip the part about how I also told her about the Komodo dragon just to have her mother tell her I was making up stories. Needless to say I have a very very confused niece. I even managed to convince her there were real blue bunnies in Wells’ Blue Bunny ice cream. She thinks it’s what makes your “Super Fudge Brownie” and “Chocolate Champion” ice cream taste so good!
So my question to you: Do you think I am doing irreparable harm to my niece or does she stand a chance to end up normal like me?
Christopher L. Jorgensen
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Christopher L. JorgensenPO Box 546
Ames, IA 50010
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