An Unanswered Letter to Larry Sprinkle
Christopher L. Jorgensen
P.O. Box 546
Ames, IA 50010
October 4, 2010
Larry Sprinkle
NewsChannel 36
1001 Wood Ridge Center Drive
Charlotte, NC 28217-1901
Dear Larry Sprinkle,
Thank God, I’ve finally tracked you down! Back in December of 2008 I wrote the Ty-D-Bol people and asked if they could send me your autographed photo, but they never wrote back. That’s just plain mean of them! (See if I ever buy their product again.)
I even gave them a great marketing idea, but they totally ignored me! Ziploc is no longer using the slogan, “yellow and blue makes green,” so I thought they should look into licensing it. That idea is gold. Ignoring it is like leaving money on the table. Oh well, their loss.
When I was a kid one of my friend’s mom had a sign on the bathroom wall that said:
If you sprinkle
when you tinkle,
be a sweetie
and wipe the seatie.
I thought you might get a kick out of that, what with your name being Sprinkle and all. Well, that’s all I’ve got.
It took me a while, but I’m so excited I’ve finally found you. When possible I find it’s best to go straight to the source! I should never have started with the Ty-D-Bol people! So what do you say, can you have one of your assistants pop one of your headshots into an envelope and send it to the above address? (After you’ve scrawled something inspirational over your name of course.) I’d really appreciate it.
Long time fan, first time writer.
Christopher L. Jorgensen
Have a comment? Put a stamp on an envelope and drop it in the mail to:
Christopher L. JorgensenPO Box 546
Ames, IA 50010
Be sure to mention what letter your comment applies to. Adding some cash with your correspondence is a good thing. You can email me at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) if you must.
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