An Unanswered Letter to Healthy Signs
Christopher L. Jorgensen
P.O. Box 546
Ames, IA 50010
September 23, 2010
Healthy Signs
PO Box 43,
Yelm, WA 98597
Dear Healthy Signs,
I have a general feeling a malaise which some people incorrectly view as a lack of ambition. I also have a persistent fungus in one of the toenails on my right foot (the big toe if it matters). I’m been tested for pretty near everything, but none of the drugs I’ve been given have really helped. I seldom feel like doing anything other than laying in bed all day. Getting up to go to the couch is often all I accomplish on the weekends (thus why some consider me unambitious).
Unfortunately, since I seldom leave the house, I am lacking discretionary funds. Before I commit to purchasing a Zapper I’d need to know that it will cure my toe fungus and allow me to feel well rested in the morning. So will it?
Christopher L. Jorgensen
Have a comment? Put a stamp on an envelope and drop it in the mail to:
Christopher L. JorgensenPO Box 546
Ames, IA 50010
Be sure to mention what letter your comment applies to. Adding some cash with your correspondence is a good thing. You can email me at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) if you must.
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