An Unanswered Letter to Dupont
Christopher L. Jorgensen
P.O. Box 546
Ames, IA 50010
December 29, 2008
1007 Market Street
Wilmington, DE 19898
Dear Dupont,
I accidently entered in your company name at (a popular internet search engine) along with the word “evil” and came up with 559,000 hits! That’s a lot of people out there that think your company is one of the bad guys!
Obviously not all these hits belong to you, but I was just wondering what you’re doing to combat this perception? I mean, if that many people thought I was evil I’d begin to question getting out of bed on most days, but thankfully, I am not faced with this problem. I only get 4 hits with my name and “evil.” And from reading these articles as far as I can tell, no one actually thinks I am evil, but they sure do you!
I tried a couple other adjectives just for kicks and came up with
Bad: 2,410,000 hits.
Soulless: 5,480 hits.
There’s no way you could be as bad or soulless as these people claim though, since if you were no one would work there unless you paid them a lot of money!
You should hire some PR people to take care of this for you, or maybe some lawyers to go after these people, since obviously they have taken the whole free speech thing too far!
Christopher L. Jorgensen
Have a comment? Put a stamp on an envelope and drop it in the mail to:
Christopher L. JorgensenPO Box 546
Ames, IA 50010
Be sure to mention what letter your comment applies to. Adding some cash with your correspondence is a good thing. You can email me at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) if you must.
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