An Unanswered Letter to Principal Thomas Murray
Christopher L. Jorgensen
P.O. Box 546
Ames, IA 50010
November 16, 2009
Principal Thomas Murray
c/o Danvers High School
60 Cabot Rd.
Danvers, MA 01923
Dear Principal Thomas Murray,
I want to let you know I support your ban of the use of “meep.” There is no place in our nation’s high schools for such ridiculous utterances. Meep is not a lesson I believe should be taught to our impressionable youths! I know at this point you probably feel like you’ve stepped on your mother-meeping dick, huh? But you need to stay strong, stay the course, protect our schools, do it for the kids, because honestly, at this point, if you don’t do it, who the meep will?
Also, kudos to Assistant Principal Mark Strout for having the testicular fortitude to turn that Theodora Michaels woman over to the Danvers Police Department (it takes balls to do something like this to a so-called “attorney”). Someone should really promote this Assistant Principal (Principal Mark Strout sounds good to me!) and I hope the Danvers Police Department persecutes this unfettered meeping to the fullest extent of the law!
Christopher L. Jorgensen
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Christopher L. JorgensenPO Box 546
Ames, IA 50010
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