An Unanswered Letter to California Milk Processor Board
Christopher L. Jorgensen
P.O. Box 546
Ames, IA 50010
May 29, 2008
California Milk Processor Board
1801A Fourth St
Berkeley, California 94710
Dear Got Milk?,
I am filled with great and utter umbrage over your use of Miley Montana in your advertisements. First, that pose is downright pornographic! You might as well have taken both her knees and put them behind her ears (much like the photo on the wall above her right shoulder)! And then there is that stuff on her lip, that all right thinking people know isn’t milk, so why the pretense? You might as well have dressed her in a T-shirt that says, “got spooge?”
If Annie Leibovitz can’t get away with taking a picture of this girl in a classical pose, the come-hither, trailer park slut pose you have Miley in is a 100 times worse. It’s an outrage! At least someone had the taste to make sure it wasn’t cold in that trailer.
This girl has a net worth to her parent corporations of around 9 Billion! And I’m sure her parents care for her some as well, so who allowed this to be done to such a role model? This so fills me with despair.
It’s lucky for you I don’t drink milk or I’d join people who actually have kids in a boycott. I see your slogan everywhere. On the side of busses, on T-shirts (usually worn my large breasted women), so I don’t understand why you feel the need to sully one of the few icons of purity left!
To protect the morals of our impressionable youth, please consider pulling these ads from any magazine that could be potentially seen by children.
Christopher L. Jorgensen
Have a comment? Put a stamp on an envelope and drop it in the mail to:
Christopher L. JorgensenPO Box 546
Ames, IA 50010
Be sure to mention what letter your comment applies to. Adding some cash with your correspondence is a good thing. You can email me at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) if you must.
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