An Unanswered Letter to Etsy
Christopher L. Jorgensen
P.O. Box 546
Ames, IA 50010
January 12, 2011
Etsy, Inc.
55 Washington Street, Suite 512
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Dear Etsy,
I was thinking of opening up a shop, but I don’t really know what I would sell. You should have a section on your website for suggestions of things I could make. I was thinking I could make things to put around your beer to keep it cold, but someone is already selling a pillow with a vagina on it that is supposed to hold a beer. It’s a bit hard to top a coochie koozie, so I was wondering what you suggest? I’m not greedy, but I need to make enough to laze about like a stay-at-home mom!
Christopher L. Jorgensen
Have a comment? Put a stamp on an envelope and drop it in the mail to:
Christopher L. JorgensenPO Box 546
Ames, IA 50010
Be sure to mention what letter your comment applies to. Adding some cash with your correspondence is a good thing. You can email me at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) if you must.
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