An Unanswered Letter to LesserEvil Snacks
Christopher L. Jorgensen
P.O. Box 546
Ames, IA 50010
April 12, 2011
LesserEvil Brand Snack Co.
P.O. Box 4098
Greenwich, CT 06831
Dear LesserEvil Snacks,
let me explain the problem I am having and hopefully you can present a solution to said. A bag of your “Bag O’ CoCoa Coal” is 49g, while a portion size is 30g (about one cup). I’m sure you can see the problem already, since it is so plain to see, but I will articulate the issue all the same, in case it is only blindingly and blatantly obvious to myself and those fortunate enough to think as I do: What is to be done with the remaining 19g of tasty snack food?
If I consume only a portion (about a cup) I am left with less than a portion to consume at a later time. I could eat the entire bag in one sitting, but that would be quite gluttonous and defeats the idea of having a Lesser Evil snack in the first place. I could share with my fellow man, but curtesy would dictate that I not offer less than a full portion to a companion, leaving myself shortchanged (so to speak).
I could buy 3 bags and offer portions to four of my friends, but honestly I don’t have that many friends and I would still be giving one a petite portion! I don’t know how many bags I would have to buy and how many friends I would have to have before the math works out, but regardless this would not be a convenient way to equitably distribute your snack.
Seems to me, and I realize this is a crazy idea, that it would be most convenient for all parties concerned if you just packages your Cocoa Coal in 60g bags. This way you can say two servings and no one need be skimped.
If you have a better solution I am willing to hear you out.
Christopher L. Jorgensen
Have a comment? Put a stamp on an envelope and drop it in the mail to:
Christopher L. JorgensenPO Box 546
Ames, IA 50010
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