An Unanswered Letter to Durex
Christopher L. Jorgensen
P.O. Box 546
Ames, IA 50010
December 6, 2010
SSL Americas
Durex Consumer Products
P.O. Box 921485
Norcross, GA 30010
Dear Durex,
Merry Christmas!
I wrote a poem about buying condoms. I thought you might like to read it. Maybe if you had a company newsletter you could put it in there too. (It’s kinda Christmassy.) You don’t owe me anything if you decide to share it. Heck, if you have a website you could even put it up there! I am sure people would enjoy reading it, and what is more poetical than buying condoms?
Christopher L. Jorgensen
Have a comment? Put a stamp on an envelope and drop it in the mail to:
Christopher L. JorgensenPO Box 546
Ames, IA 50010
Be sure to mention what letter your comment applies to. Adding some cash with your correspondence is a good thing. You can email me at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) if you must.
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Other points of interest:

The Most Unpoetic Poem Ever
I’m standing in the condom aisle with a hard on.
Since apparently even the idea of sex turns me on.
Well, maybe not a hard on, but an uncomfortable,
yet disturbingly pleasing bulge.
What the fuck?
The last time I had to do this spermicidal lubricant
was the latest advance.
Now, colors and sizes and textures of all kinds.
And just like at Starbucks, there is no small. Vente!
What poor idiot would ever admit to anything else?
What guy really knows?
Hell, I don’t even know my ring size,
and there’s no handy chart (or holes of varying sizes).
on the back of this box!
And thank god for that!
Wizened old men taking Viagra just to get a perfect fit.
“Excuse me, Miss, can you help me?”
I’m thinking it was better in the old days
where your only real choice was Trojan™
(lubricated or not),
or those ones that came in the foil coins
(if you were trying to be impressive),
or truckstops carried glow-in-the-dark
(if you were kinky/adventurous).
Now there’s even flavors.
I like the idea of this, but have to admit, I’m
no dessert.
Variety/Pleasure pack it is.
The cashier (somewhat cute in an anorexic sort of way)
“Would you like a gift receipt?”
And for a moment I think she’s joking.
What if the big night doesn’t happen?
What if we never do what I think we’re going to do?
She’s not joking. Total autopilot.
I so want to say yes.
I cannot imagine the shame of that return.
But what if Christmas was like this?
What if people decided to just not do it this year?
Or perhaps it is. You do need willing partners
(or at least one).
Or you’re just gifting yourself.
The anti-theft device triggers at the door.
Again, what the fuck!
Who steals condoms?
At $6 a dozen even I can afford to get laid,
but then I remember my first time…buying,
mumbling what I wanted to the pharmacist,
only to have him professionally yell out,
“He wants some thingies!”
I was 12. We traded them like baseball cards,
collecting what variety there was,
carrying them above our hearts
—like a bible or girl’s hope chest—
until the foil wrapper wore thin.
There was no trusting them then.
We all knew better than to carry them in
our non-existent wallets.
They’ll wear out and you’ll get the girl pregnant;
common lunchroom cafeteria knowledge.
How many purchased and never used?
“He wants some thingies!”
So yeah, after that I stole them,
until I actually started needing them.
Alarm now ringing I think of running.
My god they know! Fight or flight! Run! Run!
But not this time.
This time I proudly present my receipt and purchase.
And hope they won’t spend much time above my heart.
christopher…. ‘05
By Christopher L. Jorgensen